Is excitement-induced urination common in all Dachshunds?

Do All Dachshunds Pee When Excited? Learn Here!

As a proud Dachshund owner, I’ve witnessed firsthand the joy and excitement that our furry friends bring into our lives. But amidst all the wagging tails and happy barks, there’s one issue that many Dachshund owners, including myself, have faced—excitement-induced urination.

Let me paint a picture for you. It was a sunny afternoon, and I had just come home from work. As soon as I stepped through the door, my energetic Dachshund, Max, greeted me with his customary enthusiasm. He wagged his tail so vigorously that it seemed like a blur, and his excitement was contagious.

But suddenly, I noticed a small puddle forming on the floor, and my heart sank. Max had peed out of pure excitement. I was taken aback, wondering if this was a common issue among Dachshunds. Did all Dachshunds pee when they were excited? I needed answers.

After doing some research and speaking to other Dachshund owners, I learned that excitement-induced urination is indeed a common problem in these adorable dogs. It is more prevalent in puppies and young Dachshunds, but it can occur in dogs of all ages. The causes and triggers vary, ranging from a lack of bladder control to submissive behavior or an emotional response.

If you’re facing similar challenges with your Dachshund, don’t worry. In this article, I’ll share valuable insights and tips on how to manage and address this behavior in your four-legged companion. So let’s dive in and find solutions that will help you and your Dachshund overcome this pee problem!

Understanding Excitement Urination in Dachshunds

In order to address excitement urination in Dachshunds, it is important to first understand what it is and why some Dachshunds exhibit this behavior. Excitement urination refers to the involuntary release of urine that occurs when a Dachshund becomes excited or overly stimulated. This behavior is more common in puppies and young Dachshunds, but can happen in dogs of all ages.

Excitement urination is often a result of a lack of bladder control, a submissive behavior, or a response to heightened emotions. Factors such as genetics, hormonal influences, and past experiences can contribute to the development of excitement urination in Dachshunds. It’s important to keep these factors in mind when addressing and managing this behavior in your Dachshund.

dachshund excitement urination

What is Excitement Urination?

Excitement urination is the involuntary release of urine that occurs when a Dachshund becomes excited, such as during greetings, playtime, or high-energy situations. It is important to note that this behavior is not a deliberate act of disobedience or a lack of house-training, but rather a physiological response to heightened emotions.

Why Some Dachshunds Exhibit This Behavior

Dachshunds may exhibit excitement urination for various reasons. It is more commonly seen in puppies and younger Dachshunds due to their developing bladder control. Additionally, certain Dachshunds may have a naturally more submissive personality, which can make them more prone to excitement urination.

Environmental factors such as past experiences or stressful situations can also contribute to this behavior. For example, if a Dachshund has experienced punishment or harsh reactions for accidents in the past, they may exhibit excitement urination as a submissive response to avoid further reprimand.

Understanding the causes of excitement urination in Dachshunds is essential in effectively managing and addressing this behavior. By implementing proper training techniques and providing a supportive environment for your Dachshund, it is possible to reduce and even eliminate excitement urination.

Is Excitement-Induced Urination Common in All Dachshunds?

While excitement urination can occur in any Dachshund, the prevalence and severity of this behavior can vary from dog to dog. Some Dachshunds may experience this issue frequently, while others may rarely exhibit excitement urination. It’s important to note that not all Dachshunds will have excitement urination as a behavioral problem, but it is important to be aware of the possibility.

managing dachshund urination

Excitement-induced urination is one of the common dachshund behavioral problems that owners may face. However, understanding that it is not universal in all dachshunds is essential. While some dogs may have a tendency to urinate when excited, others may not exhibit this behavior at all. The severity and frequency of excitement-induced urination can also vary. Therefore, as a dachshund owner, it is essential to be aware of this possibility and be prepared to manage and address it if it arises.

Effective Dachshund Potty Training Techniques

Proper potty training is crucial in managing excitement-induced urination in Dachshunds. By implementing effective techniques, you can teach your Dachshund where and when to relieve themselves, minimizing accidents and promoting good bathroom habits.

Sticking to a Schedule

One of the key strategies in Dachshund potty training is establishing a consistent schedule. By taking your Dachshund out for bathroom breaks at regular intervals, you can help them develop a routine and understand when it’s time to go. Consistency is key, so try to take them out at the same times each day, such as first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.

Positive Reinforcement Strategies

Positive reinforcement is an effective way to encourage desired behaviors in Dachshunds. When your Dachshund relieves themselves in the appropriate spot, be sure to praise and reward them. This can be in the form of verbal praise, a treat, or a quick play session. By associating going potty in the right place with positive experiences, your Dachshund will be more motivated to repeat the behavior.

Dealing with Accidents

Accidents during the potty training process are to be expected, especially when dealing with excitement-induced urination. If your Dachshund has an accident, it’s important to clean up the mess properly to eliminate any lingering scent that may encourage repeat accidents. Avoid using harsh cleaners or ammonia-based products, as these can actually attract dogs to urinate in the same spot again. Instead, use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet stains to thoroughly eliminate odors.

Remember, accidents happen, and punishing your Dachshund for them will only create fear and anxiety, making potty training more challenging. Stay patient, consistent, and positive throughout the training process, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if needed.


In conclusion, managing excitement-induced urination in Dachshunds is possible with the right techniques and training. This common issue faced by many Dachshund owners can be addressed by understanding its causes and triggers.

By implementing effective potty training techniques, such as sticking to a schedule, and providing positive reinforcement strategies, Dachshund owners can help their furry friends overcome excitement urination and develop good bathroom habits. It is important to remember that punishment should be avoided, as it can exacerbate the issue.

With patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of your Dachshund’s needs, you can successfully manage and address excitement-induced urination in your beloved pet. Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy a happy, confident, and well-behaved Dachshund without the worry of unwanted accidents.


Do all Dachshunds pee when excited?

No, not all Dachshunds pee when excited. Excitement-induced urination is a common issue faced by many Dachshund owners, but the prevalence and severity can vary from dog to dog.

What is excitement urination?

Excitement urination refers to the involuntary release of urine that occurs when a Dachshund becomes excited or overly stimulated. It is more common in puppies and young Dachshunds but can occur in dogs of all ages.

Why do some Dachshunds exhibit excitement urination?

Excitement urination can be a result of a lack of bladder control, a submissive behavior, or a response to heightened emotions. Factors such as genetics, hormonal influences, and past experiences can contribute to its development.

Is excitement-induced urination common in all Dachshunds?

While excitement urination can occur in any Dachshund, the prevalence and severity of this behavior can vary. Some Dachshunds may experience it frequently, while others may rarely exhibit excitement urination.

What are effective Dachshund potty training techniques?

Effective potty training techniques for Dachshunds include sticking to a schedule, using positive reinforcement strategies, and properly dealing with accidents. Establishing a regular potty schedule and rewarding good bathroom habits can help manage excitement-induced urination.

How do I stick to a potty schedule for my Dachshund?

Sticking to a regular potty schedule involves taking your Dachshund outside at consistent times throughout the day. This helps teach them when and where they should relieve themselves, reducing the chances of excitement urination.

What are positive reinforcement strategies for potty training?

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your Dachshund with treats, praise, or playtime when they successfully go to the bathroom outside. This helps reinforce good bathroom habits and encourages them to continue using the designated potty area.

How should I deal with accidents during potty training?

When accidents happen, it is important to clean up properly using an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate odors. Avoid punishment, as it may create anxiety and worsen excitement urination. Instead, redirect your Dachshund to the appropriate potty area and reinforce positive behavior.

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